Some of the services we provide:

Behavior Support

Home and Community Habilitation

Life Coaching

Therapeutic Residential Support
Behavior Support
At Supernova Services we provide person-centered guidance for supporting adults with challenging behaviors, regardless of their disability. We meet with teams and conduct a Functional Behavior Assessment, which involves interviewing and observing the individual and all members on the team. We support the mission of Everyday Lives: Values In Actions.
From documentation gathered in the FBA we construct a Positive Behavior Support Plan. Within the Positive Behavior Support Plan there will be tools that help the individual and teams provide consistent and effective services and supports in various settings (Home, Residential Group Home, Day Program, jobs, in the community, etc.) while having the highest quality of life. We then provide training to all persons that support the Behavior Support Plan. We provide strategies and skills that promote the highest quality of life possible as determined by the individual.
We seek to discover what motivates individuals, what their needs and wants are and then help them communicate those needs and wants most effectively in their daily life. When wants and needs are met, individuals feel happier and have greater self-esteem which produces an overall higher quality of life. We want to support community connections and healthy relationships as we explore daily life. We aim to have individuals advocate for themselves responsibly.
Home and Community Habilitation
With Home and Community Habilitation services, we can assist individuals in obtaining, using, and improving the self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills necessary to reside successfully in home and community-based settings. These services are waiver funded and can be authorized through the person’s supports coordinator.
Companion Services are available to assist individuals with supervision and assistance of daily living needs. This service helps the individual remain and reside in their home. This is a waiver funded services that can be authorized through the person’s support coordinator.
These services can be available 24 hours a day depending on the individuals needs.
Life Coaching
Life Coaching is a process of helping individuals through goals and choices in life. We help people set goals, make timelines, problem solve and achieve their mission. We look at roadblocks and past routines that are holding you back and use behavior modification strategies to move past these blocks to create the future you desire. Through Life Coaching, we can help you see powerful changes in life, relationships, business and health.
Life coaching can be described as a personal trainer for your brain! Get moving and see results.
Therapeutic Residential Support
Group homes for individuals with Intellectual Disabilities help residents live within their community with support from highly trained caring staff members 24 hours a day. Residents can make the choice to live near their family while being supported by staff in their own home. We support independence and choice while helping residents work toward their goals. We encourage community engagement, social outings, work and volunteer opportunities. There are occasions for lifelong learning for all involved.
Our group homes are built with the resident in mind and support the foundation values of ODP and Everyday Lives: Values In Action.
The foundation of “Everyday Lives: Values In Action” is two statements:
- We value what is important to people with disabilities and their families, who are striving for an everyday life. An everyday life is about opportunities, relationships, rights, and responsibilities. It is about being a member of the community, having a valued role, making a contribution to society, and having one’s rights as a citizen fully respected. It is a vision that we should all be working toward together.
- People with disabilities have a right to an everyday life; a life that is no different than that of all other citizens. This continues to be the truest statement on which we can build our work.
Initial consultations help build packages that best meet the clients needs.
Referral for Supernova Services
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